Top 8 Web Development Well-known PHP Frameworks - Full Service Technology Company
PHP Frameworks

Top 8 Web Development Well-known PHP Frameworks

Top 8 Web Development Well-known PHP Frameworks

From many years to this date, PHP remains to be the most used language for the purpose of   web and app development. The development of a website is complex, exhausting and time-consuming – hundreds and thousands of coded lines are required to be written down by the developers in order to bring the website into existence. And to make this process easy PHP Framework can be used. 

First of all, lets briefly understand what a framework is. A framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional reusable user-written code. The PHP frameworks provide well-organized and reusable code.

So whether you are a beginner or an expert developer, PHP frameworks will always facilitate  you by assisting you in completing your project efficiently. Although there are numerous PHP frameworks, below are the Top 8 Web Development PHP Frameworks discussed.

Developers prefer PHP, why?

With built-in codes in libraries and necessary relevant coding tools – the development phase  becomes faster and easier. And a framework offering built-in codes means that you would not  write much of the original code for development. Third, functions ca  be inserted where required – no need to write codes for common tasks like CRUD operations, form validation, and data  sanitization. Fourth, with  this  framework, you  can  even defend  yourself  with  PHP  security  threats and minimize the chance of hacker operation. Lastly, it requires very less maintenance  of the core framework. 

Top 8 Web Development PHP Frameworks


With its ability to handle complex  web applications with top-class security and phenomenal speed. It also simplifies the process of development by reducing the complexity of common following tasks: sessions, routing, queuing and authentication.

According to the JetBrains survey, 50% of web developers prefer Laravel. It’s easy to learn, efficient to implement, and comes with powerful features.

Laravel offers a vast ecosystem   that brings   instant hosting and deployment platforms, along with screencast tutorials hosted by the official Laravel website – these are the very reasons why it is the developers’ preference. Homestead, a Vagrant box (prepackaged development environment) which assists in trouble-free development are featured by the

framework. To begin with Laravel, is easy, due to the availability of extensive documentation and plenty of online Laravel tutorials resources to learn from.


This frameworkSymfonylaunched in 2005,  has existed far longer  than most PHP frameworks in the business which means that it has held the trust of developers for over a decade. This framework is an extensive PHP framework, and it is the sole framework which follows the standards of PHP and web completely. 

Symphony, the first choice for many developers due to the availability of reusable libraries and components that you can use to complete a variety of following tasks: authentication, templating, object configuration and much more. Some popular content management systems, for instance: Drupal, OroCRM and PHP Bulletin Board.

It is considered to be a go-to choice among PHP frameworks for large-scale enterprise assignments. Symfony ecosystem is massive and is supported by a highly active programming community and has tons of great online Symfony tutorials for you to get started.


A  lightweight  framework known for its small footprint and trouble-free installation with minimalistic configuration prerequisites. Highly suitable for the development of dynamic websites, as it offers many pre-built modules that help in the construction of strong and reusable components.

It works smoothly on shared and dedicated hosting platforms. And is also considerably faster compared to other frameworks. Due to its solid performance and faster speed, it is considered as the best choice for developing lightweight applications that run on simple servers. 

Several other features of CodeIgniter include: simple security, encryption steps, easy error handling, and negligible PHP adoption struggle. A well-documented framework, and an excellent choice for beginners. Before ending to speak about FuelPHP, 

one important thing I want you to note about Codelgniter is that its framework updates are quite jagged, so it will not be the best option for applications that demand high-level security.


A flexible and extendable PHP framework – not limited to the basic Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern but also its successor, the Hierarchical-Model-View-Controller (HMVC) at the framework architecture level. It also adds a voluntary class known as the Presenter class which used to be also known as ViewModel in between the Controller and View layers in order to hold the logic required for the generation of views.

The FuelPHP framework is security-focused and tackles the concerns efficiently using a number of features including: input and URI filtering along with output encoding. Several other features that come with the framework are HMVC implementation, URL routing system, caching system, and vulnerability protection. Plus it is apt for delivering end-to-end web solutions of different sizes and complexities.


Aura is a collection of decoupled libraries for PHP framework. Frequently updated and maintained is perfect for rudimentary applications. The primary feature of it is that every available library is self-contained and may be used independently in any project, without any dependencies.

This increases the framework’s flexibility and allows developers to swiftly and efficiently integrate any number of libraries as required in their projects. Documentation for each library is also available in the framework. This framework can be used by those who have a preference for writing codes without any dependence on a full-stack opinionated framework.



Even though CakePHP is an old framework, it is still counted in the list of other top-class frameworks. Its secret was flexibility, to change itself with the time. Second, it kept its users engaged by offering new features in each launch of a new version. For example, in the new arrival, they have introduced features such as improved modularity and an increased ability to create additional standalone libraries. It is a framework that is straightforward to learn and easy to install, as all it requires is only a web server and a copy of the framework.

CakePHP is the best solution when it comes to  commercial application projects because it offers one of a kind security with high-end features like SQL injection prevention, cross-site request forgery protection and cross-site scripting protection and more of other features like proper class inheritance, validation, and fast builds. 


It is a micro-framework that is excellent for small applications which do not require the features of a full-stack framework. Even though it is minimalistic in nature, Slim is packed with enriched features such as URL routing, session, and cookie encryption, client-side HTTP caching and the support to ‘flash’ messages across HTTP requests. 

It is a highly used framework by the developers who aim to develop APIs and services. As it has an active user base, constant maintenance makes it user-friendly.


A full-stack PHP framework, originally written in C and C++ programming languages, and which is best known for its unbelievable fast speed. Its speed being fast is a plus point  for the developers who work with heavy systems. There have been regular updates since 2012 but recently quite a few upgrades have only been made in the recent releases. The newest support release comprises components such as ORM, MVC, and caching.

Need Advice on the best PHP framework for your business project?

After an in-depth analysis, going through all the strengths and critical differences of leading PHP frameworks, it becomes easy to develop a solution. But to select the proper PHP framework is not a piece of cake. Since it requires commitment and exhausting research before finalization. 

And don’t forget to analyze the requirements of your project beforehand – searching for the proper PHP framework because all of the frameworks are more or less similar to each other.


Are PHP frameworks always a right choice instead of spending extensive time developing PHP web applications from scratch?  There are many PHP frameworks with various types of benefits and requirements. And the answer to your question asked above is ‘Yes!’ After all, you’re the guide of your product’s destiny!

TechAcos can help you with its exclusive web and app development services!

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